
Hello & welcome to my blog! I hope you're enjoying my posts!
This blog is run by one avatar, LittleTatiana Resident.
I'm generally know as Tati or Chi-Chi by most.
I have currently been blogging off and on for the last 3 years, I've been on SL for 4.
Previous known websites include;
I have decided to re-open my blog as it is too much of a passion to let go.
My style is wide ranged, and I am always up to try unpredictable fashion!
I truly hope you enjoy the rest of my posts to come <3

Sponsor Information
Thank you for considering me to help advertise for your store!
I am open to new sponsors, but I do ask that you send a notecard or contact me first.
You can do so via Facebook or Flickr
I do also accept review copies.
Feel free to contact me in-world @ LittleTatiana Resident via notecard
I will try to get all reviews out asap!
And yes, I do currently have group space.


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