Cookie Monster...

Tatiana's Outfit
Hair: AD - sarah - blacks
Dress: [V] Metallic Dress Plaid
Tights: :AC: Lace Back Seam[Licorice]
Shoes: ::ROC:: Suede Fringed Boots

Scarf: //Atomic// Cozy Cowl - Set 3 @ N21
Sunglasses: ! Sunglasses AVIATORS / V1.1 - REDGRAVE
Purse: =Zenith=leather picnic bag (Black)
Headphones: Astralia - Sweet music (cookie - black) @ N21

Nails: . PUKI . My Short Square Nails . Casual .

Body Parts
Slink Casual Mesh Hands
Slink Mesh Feet
Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body

* Please note if a creator is not a sponsor and does not include an LM with their product,
unfortunatly I do not have the time to go digging. I will do my best to provide all LMs.


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