I Needa Fix

People got me fucked up. I just need to say that. Sometimes I think that other people who know me think that I'm not a pothead. If there is any label I could categorize myself into, it would be just that. BUT, I don't smoke anymore. It doesn't make sense? Okay so, going from smoking on a daily basis for years straight to not smoking at all tears me apart. Maybe why the graphic post today. But there are reasons behind that, what I wouldn't do for some Mary J right about now... Welp! Hope you enjoy anyway lol.

Lots of NEW fashion today from iRetro|SwaggedOut|Atoms Tokyo & D-Style.

Those D-Style jeans I blogged but different textures, still very new.

SwaggedOut Rare Waldo Hate @ Their Store Gacha.

New Sneaks from Atoms Tokyo & iRetro.

Here We Go...


OutFit - Left

Slouch Beanie - Black *NEW*
By SwaggedOut|Find it @ The Store Location

Thirteen Custom Hoodie *NEW*
By .iRetro.||Find it @ The Spring Bling

Biker Jeans Dark Grey *NEW*
By Atoms Tokyo 

180s Thirteen Custom Sneaks *NEW*
By iRetro.|Find it @ The Spring Bling


OutFit - Right

Slouch Beanie - Waldo {Rare} *NEW*
By SwaggedOut|Find it @ The Store Location

Sex, Drugs + Dub Fitted Tee *NEW*
By Swaggedout

Unisex Sport Baggy w.HUD *NEW*
By D-Style

Jordan 6 - Infared *NEW*
By Atoms Tokyo


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