You're Getting Warmer...

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Back to the SL discoveries. Looks like spring is trying to make a comeback from the horrible winter we have been having. Which means? Yes! Warmer temperatures and a fun day at the beach. Toooo bad this post is only featuring the beach and not so much beach accessories. But it did give me a chance to show of this dope ass tattoo, so I had to steal the opportunity. Seriously... if you want the latest beach gear, I will get on it with that.

So last night I was poking around the blogging community and I came arcoss this dude who was like, ayo blog this tattoo. So I said sure! I mean who wouldnt? If you dig it make sure you go to Tattoo Mania and get it before everyone else does. (;


Owl Unisex
@ Tattoo Mania

*Check last post for LM to the shorts*


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p.s if you want the tube I honestly can't tell you where I got it from because it was an object that I got when I first joined sl lol.

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