Entirely Bonkers

Society Ablaze's one year anniversary and now you guys know why this week is so very special to me, our followers and the brains behind this blog, the owner Tatiana. I figured it was time to collab. with others. To be able to showcase myself with other bloggers. For this week, don't just see it as a blog as a whole, but make sure you follow the bloggers featured as well. (:

“Have I gone mad?
"I'm afraid so. You're entirely Bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret.  
All the best people are.” 

For Credits To Selene's Clothing, Follow Link...

My Outfit

"Carrol" Top Hat

Male Suit Blue/Black w.Shirt and Tie HUD

Big Clock Silver Swag Necklace

Regal White&Black Shoes

Etched Silver And Black Cane
Talevins Designs

Landmarks & URLs

White Text = Clickable Links


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