One Year Anniversary

With over 300 blog posts, 25,200 views, and about 31 sponsors, Traviee and I would like to thank everyone! Without our viewers, family and friend's support, this blog would not be where it is today! This blog started as just something fun to do, as I personally enjoy second life photography and light photoshop editing, I always enjoyed putting my posts together. I believe a very few of my first sponsors were Deadly Couture, iRetro, and The Soho Market. Three of which I still blog for today. Even with the website change over from to our followers and viewers stayed true and I can not be more happy and proud of something to call my own. Anyways, allow me to stop rambeling, Traviee and I hope you enjoy this one! <3

Tatiana is wearing....
Hair: Milk - Jupiter
Top: Indented - Lita Black @ Lyfe of Style
Bottoms: Indented - Ponte White
Shoes: Pure Poison - Roman Striped Sandals
Horns - Arise - Band Horns

Body Parts
Slink Casual Mesh Hands
Slink Flat Mesh Feet
[UL] Ghetto Booty
Lolas Tango Mirage

Skin: Zoul Creations - Robyn - Tone 3
Eyeliner - MONS - Eyeshadow Star White
Lipstick - Swallow - Gala Lipstick 13

Traviee is wearing....

*~*Nivicola Horns

Ian Hair - Black

Smexy Tie Necklace(cross)/Urushi  Black

BrainPan Unixes Tattoo
Tattoo Mania

.Chinos in Black

ABL Army Boots [Basic]


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