Traviee The Explorer.

→ ObserVabilis ←

I've been working on this layout for a while and it took me a minute to find a place to blog but I think I finally have everything coming together successfully. Some of my favorite stores will be featured today and hope you all enjoy. (:

If you like the pics make sure you check out this sim, it's a role playing fantasy sim and it's pretty nice. This place is well decorated and kept me busy for a while, while exploring.

D-Style - Stud Swagger Cap w.HUD/Pimp *NEW*

.iRetro. Dolton Shades Galaxy *Rare* *NEW*
Gacha ↑ 

-S- Eve Dreads - Bread *NEW*

-Labyrinth- Fork Beard (Tintable)

[Urban Wealth] Mesh 3/4 Tees "New York" (Summer Fair) *NEW*

D-Style - Lupin Shorts w.HUD 02 *NEW*

[BLK2.0] Vens_Solid-Style 

{what next} Pop-Shot Camera Props & Model Poses

Main Pose @ Iruco


→  Balkanik ← 
→  Labyrinth ← 
→  What Next ← 
→  Iruco ← 

←  Sponsored Landmarks Found → 

Dora Dora Dora The Explorer! :3
White Text = Clickable Links


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