Caught Up In The Storm.

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Need a place to take a photo? Maybe just walk around with a date? Or use it as a nice scenery for your snow ball fights? Well, Poitou Coeur is beautiful and probably the place you are looking for. Walk around the sim and see what you can discover along the way. How the snow fell across the sim sold me so I just had to park and strike a pose. It's quiet, well decorated and very creative. Down below you will see that today is a BuFu kind of day. This is truthfully the second most popular item I have in my inventory next to BLK. If you have not checked out this store, please do so soon. (; Btw, if you haven't noticed already that my skin and shape don't change often, don't worry, there will be more to come in the skin department as soon as possible.


Hat ~.:Hermony:. / Oversized Beanie / Black (BOXED) ~ Hat 
Jacket ~ Bufu-[BuFu]Prod0.7_Mesh_Jacket_Falkoty_RED ~ Jacket
Jeans ~ Apple May Designs - Low Rise Emo Pants - Stained ~ Jeans
Sneaks ~ [BuFu]Prod0.7_FULL PERM_SHOES_NOBLE V1 ~ Sneaks

Skin ~ Fruk Bennett skin dark brown shade 3 ~ Skin
Shape ~ Fruk Bennett Shape ~ Shape
Beard ~ Unorthodox Full beard freaked (Facia Hair) ~ Beard
Gloves ~ Reek - Cozy Mittens - Black ~ Gloves


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