Static Beats

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Right now Secondlife seems to be more about, where to find things type basis. Who makes the best clothes, who has the best clubs. But most of the time the attention is turn towards the fashion side of SL. So when people don't know where exactly to go to have fun, SL can become boring. Stop standing around on your land or your friends land, talking on mic about nonsense. There are a ton of places that are awesome to visit, that you would want to take your friends because it excited you that much. So, that's what you have me for. Yes, I will be showing you guys the fashion side of SL, but also, the adventurous side. Static Beats, this club... I can't say enough about this club I feel. It's Owned by J.M/Freakshow Zsun, and Managed By Blazin Aubret. Not only is this club live with the most eargasmic bass of music, but it also supports RL events, like funding for the Oklahoma Tornado Relief. It has the best DJ's around, the best staff and of course, the best hosts. So if you ever find yourself not knowing what to do and you enjoy the following styles of music, find yourself grabbing this URL and checking out this club. Make sure you go down and visit Santa, cause he's there too!

Static Beats

Music Provided To You: Techno, Dubstep, Electro, House music, Trap, Trance, Vocal Trance, Jungle, Jump Up, Breakbeats, Drum and Bass. Live DJ's, Hangout, Club, Live Mix, Events, Filthy Friday, Music, Dance Club, Bass.

Hat ~ BLK2.0] Beanie-BlueSTD ~ Hat
Shirt ~ ::TattooArt::Long Sleeve Shirt Pink ~ Shirt
Jeans ~ <kal rau> Casual Jeans M2_Dark Blue ~ Jeans
Sneaks ~ [3S]Jordan 7s - SkyBlue/Pink ~ Sneaks

Skin ~ Fruk Bennett skin dark brown shade 3 ~ Skin
Shape ~ Fruk Bennett Shape ~ Shape
Beard ~ Unorthodox Full beard freaked (Facia Hair) ~ Beard
Hair Base ~ CURL FADE DESIGN 5 XSTREET ~ Hair Base
Hands ~ [CheerNo] Hands V.3 #3 ~ Hands


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