Party Like A Rockstar

Soooooo I have some really cool shit to talk about today. Yeah.. I said shit, we're all grown. Anyways, Preposterous is a new store here to SL annnnd so far so good. Textures on point, originality is good so make sure you go and grab a few shirts, support.

More items from the Luck of The Irish Gacha, only this time by D-Style. These guitars are dope asf so make sure you get to the Gacha early to get those rares!

Different color of those iRetro jeans, seriously my go-to jeans for everything, they're really stylish. Belt and everything included (even if you can't see in the pic)

↓ Outfit ↓
Preposterous - Metallica Tee
.iRetro. Casual Jeans Aqua
-Entente- Rayon Shoes
D-Style - Luck Of The Irish Guitar Gacha

Slink Hands

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