Professor X

Two new items from my sponsors today, HooLigan Ink Jacket & Atoms Tokyo sneaks. Hope you all like. 

Also, the backpack was a gift from the bestest mother ever! So if you like it make sure you go to Kustom9 to grab it. They're available in diff colors. (:

Told you guys these were my favorite jeans, y'all prolly gonna get sick of me blogging them, oh well. Blame iRetro for designing some cool shit.

↓ Outfit ↓
HooLigan Ink Jacket Vallentino BROWN
.iRetro. Casual Jeans D.Grey
Atoms Tokyo Balenciaga Arena 
[.LAYOVER.] Slouched Backpack [Herb-White]

Office Furniture Bragi
(Does not include laptop)

Oh & I made that chalk :3

↓ Landmarks & URLs ↓
Atoms Tokyo
Layover (Mainstore)


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