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(*Skip ahead if you're just interested in clothes*)
So today will be a very interesting read. As you all know by now, at least the ones who have been following my blog, you all know that I always write up something. I'm not one to just post a pic and write down what I'm wearing. I tend to explore SL and if it's worth sharing, I share it. I sometimes can get personal with the blog as well. So today, as I said will be an interesting read. Why? Because if you noticed this place I'm visiting was named after a very popular play by Shakespeare. If you DIDN'T know that my in world name is in fact Romeo and my Fiancee is Juliet, now you do. I will let you in on a little history of our own, which only close friends and participants know. The reason why we named ourselves after this thrilling tragic romance is because how we met is very similar to the real story. Families apart, love the same etc. And at the end of the day, we'd both die for our love. Guys I'm getting married in 3 days so I decided to blog this place as if I were contemplating what I would have done if this girl wouldn't be in my life, thus you have... this blog. If you were ever into plays and Shakespeare, this sim is a must visit.

NEW jeans by HooLigan. If I have ever said I had a favorite pair of jeans, I lied. Because these are officially my favorite. I'm a sucker for cargo jeans and these totally grabbed my attention. Available in 8 different colors; Brown, Blue, Black, Beige, White, Orange, Lila and Grey, you will be able to match them with anything! 

iRetro shirt, one of my favorite button up shirts thus far. Available in tons of different styles and colors like.. plaid, plain, stripe, pockets etc.

Another version of the shoes I blogged the other day, I love.

.iRetro. Blue Plaid Button-up
HooLigan Ink Cargo Pant BLUE
Old Era - "NY White" Gangster Fullback

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