Limited Edition & More

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Gates of Destiny ← Landmark

Ever play hide and go seek? If you have, this is an awesome place to play just that. If you haven't, you're missing out on life. Now if you ever want to play, hit me up annnnd maybe we can get a game together. It's creepy, dark, lots of places to explore, you can have a lot of fun here. You just need to put your mind to it. This is a special blog today, featuring all the Limited Edition items I liked at the Project Limited Event. So if you have not been to the event yet hurry and go check it because there are a lot of items being sold that are just amazing. The three things I rushed down and got where from FLite, Alchemy & R.i.s.k.e . Make sure you check out their stores as well after you go to the event. 

-Another Beanie by iRetro, NY fans stand up and go buy this hat.
-Custom made shirt by [мode ѕтep] , hit up Buszure Ferber or Traviee Resident if intent to buy.

↓ Event ↓

↓ Traviee's Outfit ↓
Hat: .iRetro. NYC Beanie
Shirt: [мode ѕтep] Shaved Balls For This
Backpack: Riske - Bomber SteamPunk Backpack (Tar) (Found @ PL)
Jeans: *chronokit* Parachute Sarouel Pants Navy
Sneaks: FLite. -Cinics Electric Green (Found @ PL)

Sheep: Alchemy (Found @ PL)

↓ Mkayla's Outfit ↓
Backpack: Riske - Bomber Steampunk (Found @ PL)
Hair: Tableau Vivant - Dreadlow
Shoes: FLite - Aviators Raven Studded
Outfit: SU!- Acid Wash Romper 
Socks: SU!- Acid Wash Romper 
Kneeguard: DRD Limite collection
Arm Wamers: Revolt

↓ Landmarks & URLS - Mainstore ↓
Alchemy (LM not available, store under construction, check back later)

*Side-Note, I previously did a blog with this skin, but not the shape. But now this blog post features both the skin and shape (NEW ITEM) found at Cashmere&Keane. Only the shape is *KEANE*Jerome Shape 2.0 and the skin is *KEANE*Jamar Skin(Dark)


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