This Is Fun...

You'd Be Proud of Me. photo Snapshot_079_zps79b659fc.png

Looking for a new place to take your little offsprings? Whether it be your kids, your nephew, nieces and even granbabies. I mean, if you're into prim kids, them too I guess lol. This place is like a giant Lincoln Log sim, and before I ruin the surprise on what you can do to the logs, just go peep it :3

↓ Outfit on Mr. Capone ↓
Beanie - .iRetro. Samurai Beanie - Beanie
Beater - .iRetro. Bulluminati Beater - Beater
Sneaks - BLK Dirty SwaGG-Sneakers Blk2.0(VENDOR) - Sneaks

↓ Outfit on Mrs. Capone ↓
Hair: Boon 
Hair Bow: RO 
Earrings: RYCA
Top: iRetro
Bottoms: Indented
Shoes: Frontline

Stores - MP/URL's - Stores


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